Re: Lori's question about a shelter in New Castle.  Are you thinking of
Helen at Helping Hands?  Here is the e-mail address on her website:
HHFerret [log in to unmask]
Re: Fat Boy Joey.  My Loki has been having the same problem for a couple
of months.  I had taken him to my regular vet several times and could
get no answers, so I took him to another vet for a second opinion and
she took a fecal sample to test for bacteria, and sure enough he has a
bacterial infection.  So he is now on antibiotics.  Maybe this is your
baby's problem too.  Good luck!
Re: Ferret count.  I'm in Utah and am owned by two fuzzies at the bridge
(Milo and Aspen) and five fuzzies here (Trent, Marilyn, Loki, Sophia and
I hope everyone had a good holiday season!
[Posted in FML issue 4383]