Hi all dis is the cloud trotting fuzzie.  The other day I was
substituting for SandeeFerret the usual gatekeeper and greeter.  Well,
all of a sudden I saw this cute smiling little ferret come wardancing
across de bridge.  Now this is really unusual, as most dont do dat.  I
told him who I was and dat he had crossed de rainbow bridge.  It seems
dat he had gone to sleep and when he woke up he was on dis bridge.  He
was confused as to where he was.  I told him well Scramble Bandit, you
have left your earth family and come here to wait for your family to
come in the future, but meanstime you will stay here with no pain and
everything cool.  No worries at all.  I told him dat his mommy was upset
as he had left with no warning--he said well I wasnt feeling too well and
I wardanced because I loved to make my mommy laugh and smile.  He says to
me well I feel really good now with no pain or anything like before.  He
wanted me to pass on to his mommy dat everything was cool and he felt
just great now.  I fitted him wit de strap-on wings and searched for a
halo--he was a little ferret angel-even de Boss liked his little
snaggle-tooth smile and so He left him dat way instead of making him
Then we flew around to different places where he might want to stay.
Since he liked to wardance, I asked him if he would like to stay wit some
of de blackfooted ferrets who were known to be party animals cuz dey were
wild.  He met some of dem and dey said hey move on in and wow dat sure is
a neat smile.  Even de girl ferrets smiled at him cuz he was so cute.
Scramble Bandit blushed when de girls said dat.  So he is all set for a
while wit de wild ferrets and I am sure he will have loads of fun dere.
BTW--Mommy says to tell de fmlers someting dat she found out at de vets
when she took wild Mickey in for his well ferret checkup.  Seems dat some
breeders have been tattooing dere ferrets with the dots so peoples will
think dey are getting Marshall Farms furries.  Go figure.  Yep she sure
said dat.  Mommy said it sounded dumb to her, but some people are rather
off de wall.  Also Mommy again ripped up her arm cleaning de ferret
cages-so now she has ripped up hand and an arm to match.  Poor Mommy-dat
is why she didnt write my note sooner.  She apologizes for dat cuz she
knew dat Scramble Bandit's family would worry.
Take care and maybe another time I wills tell you all about Mommy's
adventures with a shocky furry.
[Posted in FML issue 4408]