Sugar has gone to fly free with Chelsea, Valentine, Jasmine, Tasha, Taz
and Boris.  She couldn't be in better company.  I wrote this a long time
ago for Thanksgiving.  I think it's appropriate now.
Thank you Sugar for sharing your cold, wet secrets, and keeping my ears
clean at the same time.
For making sure my toes are still there,
For showing me that sweats were made for climbing,
And for showing me what a warm fuzzy really was.
The poem below was written about when she came into my life.  It was a
few days after losing Valentine.
A Gift
On Christmas Eve your gift to me,
Was a wonderful one to see.
Unexpected to one so sad.
Missing a friend, recently had.
A heart sore from a grief brand new,
Trying to love again with you.
I could see that you felt my pain.
You were my clown, keeping me sane.
Dancing, playing around the room.
Dispersing, with each jump, my gloom.
My wee dark sable ferret girl,
Taught me to give new love a whirl.
As you twirled, you captured my heart.
For joy and love, you shared your art.
Your present of laughter, bright mirth.
Was something of a wondrous worth.
I'm going to miss the other half of my whole.  Look Earthward angel.
Sugar Bug - 2/14/98 - 1/29/2004.
Sandy and the Dook City Gang
Tempus Fuzzit
kathouze pictures
[Posted in FML issue 4408]