JUST PLAIN KAT HERE...[or HelpJeanKat...]  ;-)
ok..it seems that my pages at TerraBox.com are down...[as are the others
i have checked at TerraBox]...i am waiting to hear back from Brian as to
why they are...
SO...in the meantime..no one could get to the HelpJean Raffle info
page... SOOOOOOOOOOO... Harry kindly put the page up on his site so
everyone can still get the info...
here is the additional link...
for those of you who also have the HelpJean Raffle link in their sig line
or on their web page...can you please add this link as an alternate if
there is a problem with the other...so no one will miss out on the Raffle
if they are interested?
thank you all very much...
KITY=^..^=KAT's Fuzzy Frenzy [+15](-14)...
See how you can HELP SHELTERS...  http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com
OR: [if my page is down]...
HELP JEAN, Ferrets Unlimited, PAGE...
http://www.kwflatbed.com/jean/jean.html ..... with links to lots of ebays
and raffles to help Jean!!!
When you care about others....when you reach out to others....
 ...when you give of yourself to others...YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
[Posted in FML issue 4407]