Hello.  I have a problem.  Okay, not sure if it is a problem.  I had
three ferrets before and none of them did this.  Then again if I compare
her to them she should only be 1/2 a ferret.
Okay, when playing I can't get her to dook.  The only times I've gotten
her to dance and chatter is on rare occasions, I can count probably two
times since we got her.  For one day she was doing it all day and then
since nothing (that was the day I brought some snow inside her play pan).
We got her on Jan 4 this year and born Aug 17th of last year.  Yes was a
pet store ferret, no flames please.  She had been at the pet store since
birth (or
when she arrived), Marshall farm, Silver Mit.  Had a check up and we were
said to be fine...
Instead of dooking she'll pant.  It isn't like a pant of a dog that is
just the only way I can describe it.  She would of been a perfect labor
partner when I was giving birth... She is happy, or seems to be.  Only
does it, like in place of dooking!  Energetic, learns quick and gives me
Her favorite is chasing after a ball.  (Anyone know of a soccer team she
could join??) She has been doing this since we got her so it is not
something onset.  Thought maybe she was doing it in place of hissing but
it isn't a hiss either.  Plus we heard her hiss at her cage mate.  When
she is scared hears a noise or sees a shadow she will go straight to her
Like I said I had three (started with one but multiplied) before her.
I've been out of the ferret world for about 4 years now.  She helped me
re-enter it by crawling into my heart.  Anyhow, I've only had four thus
far in this life so I don't consider myself a complete expert in all
ferret nature and
didn't know if this is just her... Or what is she telling me.  Oh ya.
Our new princess is named Nikki!!
The woody pets.  I went into Agway seeing Home Depot has been out of wood
pellets for some time now and who knows if and when they'll get more.
When there I was told they had some stuff called woody pets.  It comes to
about the same price almost per pound just they carry it year round.
$4.19 for a 40# bag of wood pellets and I guess this woody pets is $5.49
or something like that for a 50# bag.  She said it is like wood pellets
but people don't burn it.  Anyhow, she really wasn't helpful with my
questions.  I think I was a bother but she means the world to me.  I
couldn't see the stuff unless I was to buy and... She just wasn't nice.
So I didn't know if anyone has heard of or has used and what your
thoughts were.
Thank you...
Dooks to all.
[Posted in FML issue 4407]