Hello, I am Chickadee.  I just became the spokesferret for TinyPrints
Ferret Rescue.  I am not sure what a spokesferret is, because I really
am not a ferret, or I don't think I am.  I am more like a fuzzy human.
These fine gals rescued me at a Pet Auction and I am a very special girl.
I got my name because I was tossed in a bird cage to be sold at this
auction.  My new family which includes all my new mommies from the
TinyPrints Crew decided to keep me and I am now the TinyPrints Ferret
Rescue Mascot, Quite an honor, I think.  Among my likes are Humans,
Sleeping in my wonderful beds and giving kisses......alot of them.  My
dislikes...........other ferrets.  However, I still believe those "ferret
things" need help, and so I am coming to you to let you know my mommy has
made these really neat ferret fleece pockets which are huge.  My mommy
says they are for many ferrets to use, however, I think they are for just
one..........Me.  Yes, I like to stretch out!  Check them out on ebay at:
Flowers and Bugs
Pastel Pink for the Girls
Indian Print
All Proceeds Go to help buy food, litter and medical care for those
"Ferret Things".
Love Always,
TinyPrints Shih Tzu and Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 4406]