>From:    Tom Banus <[log in to unmask]>
>I am now terrified that my 2 ferrets could have caught AIDS while they
>were being watched by these two people.  I have them in quarantine and
>am only feeding them and changing their cages with rubber gloves and a
>mask until I know they are safe.  I HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!!  They are
>visiting frequently but not until I can figure out what to do about
>these ferrets who now may have AIDS.  What to do please???
Oh MY GOD!!!  Do you ever go out to dinner?  Do you go to the mall?  Do
you handle objects in stores that "WE HOMOSEXUALS" may have handled?
I cannot BELIEVE this post!  It is one thing to worry about our fuzzies
getting the flu or catching a cold from their humans, but this is beyond
Deb & I (no, we do NOT have AIDS) have gay friends who are either HIV
positive or have full-blown AIDS who regularly visit and handle our
animals - ferrets, dogs, cats, turtles, alike - we feel there is NO
danger from our friends - there is only danger from people who do not
understand these kinds of issues.
AIDS is ONLY transmitted through the exchange of body fluids, infected
needles or through open cuts...please check out the CDC website at
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pubs/facts/transmission.htm.  They detail
*EXACTLY* how AIDS is transmitted - and it IS NOT just by handling
something or someone!
Jeez, what century do you live in?  I hope you don't have Diabetes or
something that could be transmitted to the fuzzies! <smirk>
PS BIG is right - if you need to handle your fuzzies with rubber gloves
and masks, please consider adopting them to someone who cares - you are
probably scaring them!
Lisa and Deb, Life Partners, and all our fuzzies
in San Antonio
[Posted in FML issue 4405]