Below is the email from Tara Radford regarding Dr. William's request.
It is my idea that the best way to help Dr. William's in his research,
thus helping the ferret community, is to approach pet stores.
Pet stores have the highest population of kits.  Additionally since they
are not anyone's pet there is the lack of emotional attachment.  Finally
most pet stores do not want to fork over money to nurse back to health a
sick ferret.  After discussing it with Tara it is agreed I am going to
spearhead a group to help me with this research..
I am in the initial stages of organizing this so if you would be
interested please contact me via email.  [log in to unmask] .  It is my
intention to start at the top of the pet stores and work my way down.  If
you are interested I will send you an email with all applicable material
and how to approach this.  This is just the beginning so all offers of
help is greatly appreciated!  I'm sure with your help and Dr. Williams'
we can kick this "Mystery Disease"
Thank you and looking forward to a full e-mail box!
[Entire e-mail from yesterday's FML follows]
>Date:    Sun, 25 Jan 2004 19:42:20 -0800
>From:    "Tara C. Radford" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Mystery Disease/Dr Williams request
>One day last week Dr Bruce Williams and myself were discussing the new
>mystery disease that seems to be hitting a percentage of kits under a
>year old.
>Before you read on,i want you to know it took me two weeks to write what
>was requested of me,this post.I would do anything Dr Williams asks of me
>but this was very hard.The more i thought about it the more i realized
>how right he was.  You must also remember these are kits,averaging about
>6 months old or younger.Not older ferrets.
>Our Groups first documented case of the coined "Mystery Disease" was
>almost a year ago.We alone have had 6 and Drs Williams and
>Burgess/Ramsdell about the same,maybe a few more.All but one kit has
>died and Thunderfoot at last check was barely hanging on...these are the
>ferrets we know about.I shudder to think just how many are/were never
>The symptoms are sudden onset of spiked very high fever that seems to go
>up and down,lethargy,dehydration,anorexia and hind leg weakness.It hits
>very fast.Kits who should be playing are just lying there,high fever and
>suddenly unable to even walk.It's heartbreaking.They suffer.
>The problem as to finding what is causing this is antibiotics..naturally
>as a parent we run our babies to the Vet and the Vet puts the kit on
>meds.Once meds are administered there is no way to find out what is
>causing this.Remember all but one,possibly two have died a very painful
>death.The two alive went thru a very painful time.
>Dr Williams is asking something that bothers him as much as it does me
>typing this and you reading it..
>Someone,Shelter or owner must have their ferret with this disease
>euthanised before it is treated.It is the only way they can fully
>necropsy and find the cause.This disease is killing all that contact
>it so remember the chance of any kit not suffering and dying a painful
>death is close to zero.
>You WILL know.This unfolds the way i reported.The kit will be 6 months or
>younger.Act normal one day and be hit hard and almost immediately have a
>high fever and hind leg weakness.If you have any certainties or doubts as
>to your kits sudden like illness please immediately mail Dr Bruce
>Williams at [log in to unmask]
>My Prayers go out to all Moms & Dads who have tragically lost a ferret
>kit to this Mystery Illness.I just hope someone is willing to step
>forward with a new case,yet untreated and contact Dr Williams.He will
>have further information.
>This may be the hardest thing you have ever done but this disease is
>painfully fatal and we need to find out what it is, so a cure can be
>found.Your baby may save the lives of countless more.I cry with you the
>same way i have cried with the parents who have watched their babies
>suffer and eventually die in terrible pain.
>God Bless,deep sadness
>Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
>NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4405]