[Also posted by Anna <[log in to unmask]>.  BIG]
Hello FerretWare friends!  Now more than ever, ferret shelters need your
help.  Thousands of homeless, elderly, medically challenged ferrets are
cared for by ferret angels (shelter moms and dads) nationwide - no -
worldwide.  We support shelters and help ferrets as much as possible,
and with your help, we can do so much more!
Over the years we have donated products, gift certificates, and money to
shelters and clubs.  Due to the large number of ferrets that need help,
we are stepping up our support by donating an assortment of FerretWare
goodies - currently being raffled by Support Our Shelters (SOS).  This
is a Valentine's theme basket worth over $200 and features a few of our
most unique products!  The proceeds of this basket will be split between
the 24 Karat Ferret Shelter in Las Vegas and the SOS general shelter
fund.  There's still time to purchase raffle tickets, but don't delay,
the deadline is looming!  We need your help to make this raffle a
success!  The 24 Karat Ferret Shelter is the primary destination for
dozens of California convicts.  CJ, the shelter mom, has done so much to
help CA ferrets; now she desperately needs our help so she may continue
her selfless efforts.  Please click on the following link to go to the
SOS raffle page:
Can you spare $5 or $10 (or more) to help ferrets?
Thank you so very much!  The ferrets thank you too...
Hildy Langewis, www.ferretware.com   800 FERRETWare (800 337-7389)
[Posted in FML issue 4404]