Does anyone have an idea as to why one of my males, umm bump could be
red?  I apologize I do not know the correct term for it--OK I just looked
it up his 'Prepuse opening' is red.  It does not seem enlarged or swollen
to me just red.  His is a light color so it is quite noticeable.  I am
concerned he is possibly not drinking his water cause I recently ran
out of the bottled stuff I usually give them & he is not as fond of the
Brita/tap deal.  Should I separate him & be certain he is urinating?
Please help :)
 & yes I will call my vet soonest
Mary Ann
You were once wild here.  Don't let them tame you.
Isadora Duncan~~
A wound will not heal until the matter is given words and witness
Clarissa Pinkola Estes~~
[Posted in FML issue 4404]