I have been trying to get a hold of FERRETS FOR DUMMIES over the last two
or three year.
People keep saying they have read it, but no one has a copy they can let
me read.
Some ferret owners say its on ebay, if it is i must be one of the dummies
because i can not find it, i have also tried to get it via the uk pulic
library with out any success and i keep trying the seconhand book shops
which keep holding other ferret books back for me when they get any in,
so it is not as though i have not been trying to get a copy.
Maybe some one in the UK has a copy they are willing to part with.
Most of my pets have appered on National and Locale UK Television along
with films, video's, national and locale radio.
Some sites for information along with sites for people who want to talk
about. whole ferrets
http://www.webspawner.com/users/ferretwelfare/index.html ; The UK Charity
Commissioners are appointed under the Charities Act 1993 principally to
further the work of charities by giving advice and information also
checking for abuses.
Aims:- To give the public confidence in the integrity of charities.
[Posted in FML issue 4403]