2003 was a very hard year for us personally and for the shelter.  There
were some ferrets that went to the Rainbow Bridge and also Shawn's dad
passed away in October, and then my mom passed away December 21.  Then
our shelter spokes-ferret Rocky on Christmas Eve.
Shawn and I have been discussing shutting the shelter down since around
October.  We decided that we would wait until the new year and see how
things looked then.
So, it is with heavy heart...that I let everyone know that the shelter
is shutting down.  All shelter ferrets will be needing forever homes
(not sending to another shelter where possible).  We are NOT asking for
donations to keep us up and running as it would only delay what is going
to have to happen.  We have 2 ferrets that will stay with us due to
medical conditions and another one that has to have adrenal surgery
before being adopted out.  We will continue to pay on the vet bill until
it is paid off (so donations there would be helpful).
Shawn and I are not leaving the ferret community (FAMILY).  We will
continue to do referrals and help where we can.  I couldn't imagine my
life without all of my ferret family in it.  Also, our personal kids are
staying with us.
We have a lot of ferrets here right now.  Most are in pairs... and most
don't get a long with others.
I have to check to see where everyone is at on their shots.  Right now I
just don't have a clue.  I do know that all but 1 is up to date on their
distemper... but will have to pull all their files to check.
Current Adoptable Ferrets
Zappa and Sugar - Zappa is a 2 year old silver male.  Sugar is a 4 year
old sable male.  Both are wonderful boys.  Though Zappa doesn't seem to
like other ferrets (besides Sugar).
Sweetie and Bandit - Sweetie is about 1 1/2 years old and is a sable
female.  She has a missing patch of fur on her back between her shoulder
blades.  Bandit is a year old sable male.  These two ferrets get along
great together and need to be placed as a pair.  They are a bundle of
energy and a blast to have around.  They do not like other ferrets.
Lily and Willy - Lily is a 2 year old silver (with red eyes) female.
Willy is a 2 year old sable male.  They get along great and love to play.
Lily is VERY active and can get into and on just about anything.  Willy
just follows Lily around the best he can and loves to play.  These two
ferrets get along great together and need to be placed as a pair.  They
do like other ferrets though Willy can be a big bully sometimes.
Jonah - is a 2 year old male light sable.  VERY VERY Sweet.  Not sure how
he is around young kids because he seems to cling to you when you pick
him up.  He seems to get along with other ferrets too.  He is a big
Sadie, Jenny and Luke - Sadie is a 2 1/2 year old female sable.  Jenny
is a 6-8 month old female sable and Luke is a 3-4 year old sable male.
While they don't have to be kept together we would like to it.  Luke will
have to have adrenal surgery before he is adopted out.  All are very
sweet ferrets and LOVE to play!  Jenny goes back to her cage to sleep
while Luke and Sadie will find nice places to curl up in.  They get along
with most ferrets.
We also have two little girls but they have been "spoken for".  Then we
have Drake and Nibbles but they will most likely stay with us due to
Drakes medical condition.
If you are interested in any of the ferrets that we have for adoption
please let me know and we will discuss the adoption fees and a time for
you to come and play with the ferret(s).
"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4401]