As a long-time lurker on the FML, I just want to say that I agree with
both Bob and Alicia.  I did not (do not) find them obnoxious or rude.
Straight forward is the way I view your responses along with some great
humor (your memo today was great Bob!) As a person that tends to be
pretty straight forward myself, I know that many people cannot handle
it and thus the conundrum on the FML.  Those that complain turn out
to be the epitomy of rudeness themselves.  Please NO FLAMES.  This is a
PERSONAL viewpoint and you're more than welcome to disagree with me.
That's what debate and discussion is all about.
My very best to you both,
Barb and her 6 whirling dervishes...Hope, Kate, Tess, Cher, Jake and
Mr. No Name as Yet (wish he'd hurry up and tell me what it is!)
[Posted in FML issue 4400]