OK, I received a bunch of friendly emails with helpful advice, and they
helped me figure out what is 'wrong' with my little girl Nikita.  The
problem is:
There's only ONE of her!
To all those kindly souls who generously offered to take in my 'abnormal'
child; thanks, but she'll be staying with us.  FOREVER!
She has a new trick now; she picks up all the bits of paper in my crafts
room (I'm a slob, LOL) and tucks them neatly under my desk.  I have to
keep her...I can't afford a maid.
And my favorite thing she does- she gets in the tunnel at the head of the
stairs, rolls over, and slides down head first on her back!
My brother (professional photographer) will be doing her protrait soon.
In the meantime, check out her candids at: geocities.com/woozle31/nikita
Have a fuzzy day!
Julie & the Woozles
21st Century Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 4400]