Although seizures cane have multiple causes most are from hypoglycemia
due to insulinoma and that means that until the disease is too advanced
oral sugars can be used to control seizures till help can be gotten.
In there are over 50 messages on blindness
and the word blind finds over 200.
Here are some tips:
and I know there should be others with info.
I suspect that the FML Archives (addy in the header of each day's FML)
would be at least as useful, too.
Roary, I am glad that she is improving so well.  i understand what you
mean about it being a blessing despite things being so tough.  Yes, you
are right.  DO have something which speaks of the holiday for yourselves:
decoration, special foods, music playing, certain odors (pine, ginger
bread...) etc.  Don't think that you have to do it all.  Don't exhaust
yourself terribly.  Just do some.  It helps.  A little bit goes a long
way, especially when it is known that doing that bit is itself an extra
special gift.
[Posted in FML issue 4371]