Morning everyone... welcome to Christmas Eve...
This has been a bad year for me...and yet... I have been so blessed.
As most of you know, my mom (Ruby Ruffner) passed away on Sunday,
December 21, 2003.  We were all by her bedside holding her hand and
telling her how much we loved her.  My dad gave her kisses and ran his
fingers through her hair, my sister and I had her right hand, my brother
and his wife were next to me holding her foot, and my aunt (moms sister)
had her left hand.  Shawn and my cousin David were also there.... She
passed at 10:25 pm....
Her eyes which were so yellow turn this wonderful clear color... as
though she were young again.  She looked around the room at all of
us...then stared straight dad said "do you see Ricky?" (my
brother that passed away at the age of 9) "go to him... we love you"....
then she was gone....
There is so much to say about her... and yet not enough time...
I want to thank everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers... it means
so much to know that you all care....
I have missed being here with you all.  I have been with family and away
from the computer until this evening.
My mom will be cremated.  I took care of that today...
Her services will be on Sunday, December 28, 2003 at 3:00 pm.
First Baptist Church
5729 E. 22nd Street
Tucson, AZ  85711
(520) 747-3881
If you would like to send a card to my dad (Art Ruffner) you can send
it to:
Art Ruffner
P.O. Box 4316
Huachuca City, AZ  85616
or you can simply mail it to me:
Joanne Ruffner
289 Patton Street
Huachuca City, AZ  85616
My mom loved Christmas...and yet her mom died around 7 years ago on
December 24th.
Tonight and tomorrow I have to work on her obituary for the papers.
Today I also handled getting a headstone for my brother.  He died in 1969
and at the time my parents didn't have money for it.  Through the years,
raising 4 kids came first and then medical problems and other problems
made it difficult to put one on.  My mom wanted the headstone on and was
getting ready to look into it.  So, my dad and I went and did it.  It
should be placed in about 7 weeks.
All of the arrangements and decissions that we have had to make, mom
didn't leave instructions on everything so we have to figure it out as
we go... oh how scary!
My mom loved this time of year... and I hope that even though she has
passed and you may be saddened for our loss... that you look at your
family and your friends and tell them how much you love case
tomorrow never comes...
[Posted in FML issue 4372]