>They say people we know who have passed on greet us when we cross the
>bridge, so why shouldn't a ferret greet a ferret or a dog greet a dog,
>etc.?  And so what if it's fantasy.  It makes people feel good.  That's
>the bottom line.
As I said, I do respect other's right to believe whatever they wish.  I
was just stating my opinion to make a point about something.  The issue
was really not even about Sandee, but about euthenasia.  I was just
trying to explain that everyone on the FML has different views on these
issues and that's ok although I may not always agree just as you may not
agree with some things. :)  But when you say "so what if it's fantasy"
in referance to her stories, here is my feeling on that comment:
I personally find more comfort in the TRUTH and in God Himself.  That is
where I find personally find comfort, but to each his own.
[Posted in FML issue 4349]