I'm posting anon because I would not want to give up my relationship
with this wonderful, informative , insightful, funny, heartbreaking and
SOMETIMES "foolish" list and group of people.
I have seen and been through some mighty battles in my life as a
Jehovah's Witness (which has had to prove NOT to be a cult many many
times)  The "Rainbow Bridge" or "sandees or sara ferret's comfort to
others" is not the type of thing that should be argued about no matter
what your "belief".  The "reason for the season" that I hear exclaimed so
many times has been lost due to "opinions" and this list seems to have
perpetuated it a little more.  I skip what I don't like to read, I read
what interests me and if the whole posting for that day doesn't well....
I read things here that I wonder if we would say face to face to each
other.  The internet is a wonderful way to hide and be brave at the same
time to voice our "opinions".  AND WE ALL HAVE ONE! but it is ours alone.
I love hearing about super people like the folks who run these shelters
and love and kiss and hug and care for all these little breathing
creatures that are here because someone or something wanted us to have
I hope that everyone here can take a moment and reflect to themselves
and realize what gifted and blessed humans we are to be able to make a
difference in these little creatures lives.  The next time you get mad,
angry, disappointed, hurt, offended or whatever, get up from your chair,
walk to your fuzzy room or area, snatch up a fuzzy, smell their fur, or..
give them kisses, or...get kisses, or...scratch their belly, or..give
them a treat, or all of the above....THEN LOOK THEM IN THE EYES!!!  if it
doesn't melt your heart and make you stop to think, well... nuff said.
P.S. Barb Clay you are the tops!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4370]