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Oh boy, from the research being done here at the U.Washington by Dr.
Johnson, they aren't following the protocol one whit!  Please check the
archives, I believe one was written recently, but I've been involved
with it directly here.
Lupron can be used as 1)an alternative to adrenal surgery, with the
injections being given once a month forever at a dose of 100mcgs.  If the
ferret becomes symptomatic, the dose can be doubled.  2) If a ferret has
the adrenal surgery, and then develops symptoms (as our Xena has) then
they go on lupron again at 100mcg/month every month.  If the symptoms
reoccur, then the dose is again doubled to 200 mcg./month.
Xena had surgery almost 2 years ago.  Became symptomatic a year later
and went on lupron.  She is now showing signs of needing to up her dose
(after a year on 100mcg/mo), and as soon as my lupron arrives will give
her 200mcgs/month.  She is getting on in age, but still loves her
cuddles, play time, and sleeping on my head.
I have just ordered 7.5mg of lupron from an on-line pharmacy.  This will
give us 75 doses for our fuzzies (We have 15 'unadoptables', not young,
and realistically, most will need it some day), and for another friend
who has 3 adrenal fuzzies.  I have a slight edge on most people given I'm
an RN, and have no problem giving her shots...she doesn't even notice!
The Lupron is expensive, but after being mixed and drawn up into
individual syringes, keeps forever when frozen.  It's $625.00 for 75
doses, and from how well Xena responded, well worth it.  We thought Matt
was adrenal, but surgery Monday showed massive lymphoma, and lupron does
not work for that.  We knew he was quite elderly when we took him in, but
he's had a great year with us, dookin' chirping, and bugging the 'girls'.
Will try him on low dose prednisone for the symptoms.
Anyway, all verbosity aside, please research the lupron.  When we got
Maggie, she had been on lupron, then her owners couldn't afford it, took
her off of it, and when she relapsed, turned her into the shelter.  She
had relapsed so badly that she looked like a hamster when we came and got
her.  Her tummy was one big tumor.  At that point, even doubling her
doses, and having the tumor debulked didn't help, and we lost her.  She
was the sweetest dearest being.  All she wanted was cuddles, kisses n
loves...which is what she got right up to the end.  I still wonder if her
owners had turned her in earlier (like as soon as they couldn't afford
the lupron), if she might still be here.  She was younger that Xena for
Please, just go to the FML archives, type in lupron, and print it up for
your Doc to read.  Wish you lived in Washington State, then I could share
with you as well!  (at cost, including the syringes and sterile normal
saline...'bout $9.00/month)
I think we on the FML need to network in each state for lupron, and help
each other out, then no more Maggies if the cost is affordable!
Big hugs to you and ferret kisses to your fuzzy,
Michelle, Willie and the gang of 15
[Posted in FML issue 4369]