:: A whizzing sound is heard up above and you look up through falling
snowflakes to see a red blaze.  As it approaches the motor of the flying
vehicle seems to sound more like someone blowing rasberries.  You shake
your head momentarily in disbelief.  Then hovering right before you, in
a little red radio flyer wagon, is the great ferret Oracle::
"Puppets, I have come with presents for you this evening.  Yes.  Let me
look in my wagon for them".
::She tosses out cans of bush beans, and flips out white depends all over
the ground::
"Hmm, seemed like they were here before... Well that's all right.  I can
make due."
::The robed one walks up to you, stops, stomps her gnarly staff on the
ground, does a little dance and spin, then waves her staff in the air
with a great hair ball trailing behind::
"There puppets......... there..... games to play with your ferrets!"
- towel riding (drag a towel behind you and your ferret will jump on for
  a ride)
- peek a boo (wave a towel up and down on your ferret)
- bowling (roll your ferret on its back on a linoleum floor, then give
  a gentle push sending your ferret flying across the floor.  to make it
  more fun, bowl them into other ferrets, or toys)
- face snorkeling (put out a pan of water, and even toss an ice cube
  or toy in for fun ... watch your ferret snorkel.  Flick you fingers in
  there to increase their fun)
- soccer (get ping pong balls and bounce them in the room, and watch
  your ferret fly trying to chase them.  or just get one ball and flick
  it back and forth with your ferret)
- hand wrestling (a big favorite.  use you hand to flip and pin your
  ferret on its back and tickle it..... then back off and let your ferret
  get you and pin your hand)
- butt grabbing (a fav of ferrets.  roll them onto their backs, then grab
  their butt lifting it up in the air so that they can bite their back
  piggies.  They will try to bite your hand and fingers, so wiggle and
  shake the butt all around so that they can't.)
- horseplay (the rougher the better.  These guys love to be physical)
- cup tipping (set up tons of plastic cups, and put a toy or treat in one
  or two of them.... this can get exhausting for you however lol)
- tubing (get corrugated black tubing from Lowes, etc for a couple bucks
  that has air holes.  run your finger nails on the ribs of the tube and
  watch your ferret take off through the other end of the tube to get
  your hand.  Toss a ball in there for your ferret to push through)
- rice boxing (get a box and fill it with rice, starch packing peanuts,
  or shredded paper, and bury your hand in it for your ferret to dig up.
  also let it 'rain' on your ferret)
- igloo spinning (if you have a small plastic igloo, put your ferret in
  it on its back and GENTLY spin him for a few second at a time)
- ferret fishing (my favorite.  Get a stick, or an actual little fishing
  pole, and tie a toy mouse on the end of it..... especially one of those
  little fake ones with the fur in the pet store.... and cast it out by
  your ferret in the room, then drag the mouse across the carpet.  Your
  ferret will instantly turn into predator and be faster than you've ever
  seen him.  when he has a good hold of the mouse, reel him in to play
  with him.  Repeat.  make sure that you supervise your ferret with this
  toy, and that you keep close check on the toy to make sure your ferret
  isn't 'eating' some of it)
- baby toys (get some durable light up or noisy toys that are activated
  by interaction.  play with them with your ferret)
- paper bagging (get paper bags from grocery shopping, open them up, put
  them on all over the room, on their sides, etc, put a treat or toy in
  one.....play with your ferret through the bags)
- teach your ferret tricks (are you bored?  well train your ferret to
  come to flashing room lights, or to roll over, beg, or to jump to you.
  pick a trick..... then be consistent and patient.... they'll learn)
- make your bed with your ferret (nothing makes a ferret happier than to
  be let out in the morning when they are the most energetic and to help
  you get read for you day.  They love being there when you dress, put on
  makeup, brush your teeth, go potty, and especially when you make your
  bed.  Keep tossing your ferret on the bed as you make it)
::A spent Oracle sways from exhaustion from projecting such creativity
upon you.  She wipes her brow, puts her staff in her robe like a knight
sheaths his sword, mounts her little wagon, smiles at you...... then with
great speed whizzes away into the night air.  As you watch her leave, you
squint your eyes, because you could swear..... that you saw two tiny eyes
peeking out from behind her robes at you.::
[Posted in FML issue 4349]