Bunny: Whacha doin Chomper?
Chomper: I'm checkin out all da cool new sleepsacks, blankets & cage mats
dat people are sendin to da shelter.
Bunny: Wow, look at em........dere all sizes & colors......look, dis
one has teddy bears, dis one has chickens on it and here's one with
flutterby's!!  Mmmm, dere so cloudy soft.  Hey, where you taking all
dat stuff?
Chomper: mouth full of blankies with all the bedding he can possibly
manage tucked under his tummy, dragging it backwards..........
Bunny: Huh?
Chomper: "FGREJKFUR"
Bunny: I can't understand you with your mouth full Chompie
Chomper: Phhh.....spits out the blankies....I"m takin a few of these
to my hidey hole, and then a few to my cage and some for over here in
the corner where I like to nap and I'm gonna put some behind the
entertainment center......
Bunny: But Chompie, those are for ALL of us, not just for you.  If you
take all dose, den Wellington, Hoover, Snowflake, Emmie Lou, Possum,
Kibbles, Bits & Pistaccio AND BUNNY won't get any.
Chomper: It's OK Bunny, I heard Mom talkin and she said dat the response
to her request for bedding stuff for us was so overwhelming that dere's
gonna be enough for ALL of us to have new bedding.  So I'm just gonna
take mine now......uh......to make room for da others when dey get here.
Bunny: Wow Chompie - dose people on da FML sure are really nice to send
us all dis stuff.
Chomper: Ya, da FML people all love ferrets Bunny and are always ready to
help when you need it.  We're really lucky to have dem.  Hey.....look
over dere...........ZOOM.........as Chomper speeds off with his stash of
new cloudy soft bedding before Bunny can object.
Individual "Thank You's" will be forthcoming, but I just wanted to
let you know I have already received a couple of packages and we are
extremely thankful for your generosity.
Jerri Carel
The Ferret Haven
Louisville, KY
(502) 261-0880
[Posted in FML issue 4367]