You are describing Addison's disease.  That is why the ferret perked up
after fluids (0.9% NACL) and dexamethasone.  If both adrenal glands are
removed (and there are no accessory adrenal nodules in the fat pads by
the adrenals) then the ferret will need supplementation of the adrenal
hormones to survive.  There are basically 2 options.
1) Percorten-V injections (0.1cc/kg) IM or SQ every 21-30 days.  Most
every 4 weeks but some require it every 3 weeks.  Usually Pediapred is
needed with the percorten.  I start out with 1mg, 2 times a day for the
first week, then 1mg, once a day for 7 days, then just 1mg, once a day
to every other day.  Give with food!  (If liquid medicine is too hard to
give then deprol-medrol injections can be used instead of pediapred.)
2) Florinef tablets: 1/4 tablet per ferret once a day.  Pediapred is
usually not needed because florinef has some corticosteroid like
For Shelia I would also use some SQ NACL to help rehydrate her.  Some
ferrets will also benefit from a small amount of salt added to the food.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 4366]