What are you treating him with besides a/d and pedialyte?
Is he on Pediapred and/or Imuran?
What is his PCV now?
How big is his spleen?
Needless to say a PCV of 7% is extremely low, so high doses of Pediapred
would be the starting place.  Imuran may also be needed.  If his PCV is
still low then another transfusion may be needed.  I would also add pet
tinic (a liquid vitamin/mineral supplement) to his a/d.  Oxyglobin can
also be used in ferrets.  Removing the spleen helps sometimes.
Time to have your vet recheck him and his PCV.  We treat these cases the
same way we treat dogs and cats, and then hope for the best.
Good Luck with him,
Jerry Murray, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 4366]