I am lucky enough to have three ferrets.  Since I live in Calif.  we do
not always have the excellent ferret info that other ferret folks can
obtain.  I rely heavily on the internet to continue my personal education
of what's new and what's up with ferrets around the states.
When I first subscribed to the FML I thought the Rainbow Bridge "concept"
was delightful!!!  My home is shared by my daughter and her 4 year old
daughter.  We have quite a few pets and I dread the day when one of them
leaves our family for whatever the hereafter holds.  When that day comes,
I will pull up a picture of the Rainbow Bridge on the net and hope that
it will ease my little grandchild's hurt feelings.  She is small, but of
course she knows that a bridge takes a person, pet and in this case a
"feeling" from one place to another.  I think in a roundabout way I am
saying that "concept" is the key word.  If you want Sandee and the
Rainbow Bridge to be a "Cult" that is your concept.
By the way, when my grandaughter saw the ferrets on the Giving Tree and
we explained to her what it was and that Nana had "adopted" a fuzzy for
the Holidays (PC Correctly, laughing) we read to her about the remaining
Kids on the Tree.  She picked a sweet girl ferret named Princess
(imagine that).  Hi Princess, we're waving at you, had a great time sho
you and getting ready to sew you some new hammies "Fit For a Princess".
Best wishes to all, and remember, it's all in you heart.
[Posted in FML issue 4363]