I thought the original post about Sandee and Sara was about the WAY they
were written.  And, I have to say, I agree.  As a matter of fact, in
November of 1999 the very same topic was touched upon (and I agreed then,
too).  When Sandee took over from Skeeter (who remembers Skeeter??),
Sandee's posts were difficult to read.  The *original* posts are (in
part) below....
>I have read all the messages with interest, except one, 'Sandee's'.I'm
>afraid I do not understand any of it.  If it is in code, or if English
>is not 'Sandee's' first language then I apologise (sic), but what on
>earth is it all about?
My response: Sandee's posts ARE harder to read than Skeeters and so...
I am guilty of skipping over them too... I appreciate Sandee's intent
but the intent is lost when it takes more brainpower than I can spare
to cipher.  The intent is lost when the posts are being skipped over
and not reaching the "audience".
Now the gist of the argument seems to have evolved into a battle of
whether it's religion or "cult".  "Cult" is defined by Merriam-Webster
as: 1: formal religious veneration 2 : a system of religious beliefs
and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3 : a religion regarded as
unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents 5 a : great devotion
to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book);
especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion.
So you have it...by *definition* followers of Sandee and Sara are
following a "cult" although it is *innocuous* as are many other "cults"
are innocuous.  Consider the Rocky Horror Picture Show and "Trekkies"
to name a few.  Of course, many other cults are dangerous.  They are
doomsday, Apocalyptic (Heaven's Gate, Jim Jones' followers in Jonestown
[People's Temple], Charles Manson, Aum Shinri Kyo [in Japan], etc.).
These dangerous cults are about psychological manipulation and abuse.
Charismatic leadership (a leader who claims divinity, special knowledge),
deception, mind-control, alienation, exclusivity, exploitation, and
totalitarian ("us" vs.  "them") are typical of cults.  I hardly think
that Sandee and Sara are fit the mold of a doomsday, dangerous,
destructive, Apocalyptic cult.
My conclusion is that Sandee and Sara are less "CULT" than they are
"fad".  Leave them alone.  If they bring comfort to others and it isn't
harming YOU, leave them be.
[Posted in FML issue 4362]