Anon said:
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>First the following started with Sandee and now I see messages to
>someone calling herself Sara Ferret.  I am not at all trying to be
>nasty, but I just don't get it.  These women are just human beings who
>created stories
If you don't like it, don't read it.  If we're all a big cult following
the Rainbow Bridge, then don't read.  If it's something you don't want
to follow, or to take part in, then skip past the posts.  There are days
that I do.  I've had enough bad news, and I can't take anymore sorrow.
There are other days that these posts give me hope.  From the tone of
your message, I'd almost think you'd be more upset with the Oracle.  I
mean, flying around with a red wagon, flinging depends around, and
reading hairballs and ferretone!  If that's not sacreligious, I don't
know what could be.  (please don't hurt me, Oracle, I'm trying to make
a point! :} )  But you know what?  We choose to read those posts.  We
choose to email those human women.  We choose to try and cope with the
loss of a precious little creature who we don't get to spend nearly
enough time with.  If you don't want to cope the same way that we do,
fine.  We're not asking you to.  There are some email addresses that
I look at, and then choose to skip the email.  There are other email
addresses that I'm tempted to scan the FML for, because hearing from them
usually is uplifting, or amusing, or they always have something to say
that resonates with me.  If you don't like it, don't read it.  Bill is
wonderful enough to format the digest (THANK YOU!) in such a manner that
the ferrets going to the Bridge, or being met there, are usually all
together, and they're usually towards the end.  So maybe you might want
to just stop reading at that point.  It's not about religion.  It's not
really even about truly believing.  It's about trying to get on with life
when there's a hole in your heart, that nothing will fix.  When a human
dies, people start talking about heaven (and hell) and "oh, he's in a
better place now." I haven't seen it.  Maybe we're just living life in
some weird Real Life version of something like the FML.  And that's all
stuff that's been made up by someone else.  There's enough pain and
suffering in the world.  If you don't like it, skip it.  That's all you
have to do with any topic you find distasteful.
Sorry all.  I've had a rough day, and this one just rubbed me wrong.
Bill, if it doesn't get posted, I understand.  I just had to vent.
[Posted in FML issue 4360]