Hello everyone.  My 8 ferrets and I live in the north east part of
Massachusetts so we got hit pretty hard with this blizzard you may have
heard about.  Last year I had taken my fur kids outside 2 at a time
for under 10 minutes each in the snow.  Some had a blast burrowing and
digging up the snow.  Others totally disliked the whole experience.
Well right now the snow is well past my waist in our yard due to
snowdrifts so it is not possible to bring my furkids out there.  Then
it hit me!  I took the pan from a giant enclosed litter box (brand new)
and filled it 3/4 with nice clean snow.  I placed a vinyl tablecloth on
my rug, put the pan full of snow in the middle and VOILA!  Loads of fun.
You should have seen their cute wittle faces.  A few jumped in right away
and started burrowing.  They had a blast.  Tater (the biggest brat of
the whole bunch *said with love*) avoided it and just looked on.  So of
course me being the evil mama I am kept putting him in it.  Finally he
started to play in it but it was so funny because he didn't want his back
paws to get cold or wet so he kept flipping into these weird postions so
they didn't touch the snow.  Eventually he gave in and burrowed.
Princess had absolutly nothing to do with it.  I tried to put her in a
few times and every time she hopped out right away.  Most of them pooped
and piddled in it.  Easy enough to just scoop that part out.  Bubbie was
the only one who ate the snow (the clean snow LOL!).  Basil sure can kick
up that snow.  He made such a wonderful mess of it.  Their noses got all
cute and red from the cold of the snow.  They had access to hop in and
out as they pleased.  You bet they were right back in it each time their
paws thawed out.  So I pass this on in hopes that those of you who can
treat your fuzzies to this experience do.  ;)
~Susie and Brood~ 8 ferrets, 28 rats, 4 mice and 2 cats
[Moderator's note: I always delete the advertising which gets added
automatically as a footnote by some e-mail services.  But this one,
in view of the above post, was just too funny a combination to not
leave it in! :-)  BIG]
 Winterize your home with tips from MSN House & Home.
[Posted in FML issue 4357]