Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well this holiday season!
This has been a tumultuous year around here.  We have quite a few new
stars in heaven, awaiting our eventual reunion.  It's going to be
Ping, The Queen of Everthing, left us at 9(?) years of age.  Too tired
to continue her earthly mission, she was finally promoted to Chief Ear
Groomer at the Bridge this summer.  Followed shortly by Brak, who just
couldn't wait any longer to try out his wings.  He always knew he could
fly, and now he can!  Buddha, our ambassador to those who weren't lucky
enough to know Ferretlove.  He loved and trusted everyone and everything,
perhaps too much.  His neverending curiousity and mischieviousness led
him to the Bridge much too early.  Watch him closely, Sandee.  He will
constantly be sneaking across the borders to the other animal's areas,
causing trouble!  Bunny-Butt, a sweet ole gal who was only waiting to be
wanted.  She crossed peacefully, exactly one week after being officially
adopted by my neighbors and our family.  She found not one, but 2 forever
homes, and could finally go to the Bridge knowing she was truly loved.
(I wonder if she accepted a new tail...I just adored her cute bunny
butt!) We miss all of our children who have gone on before us, including
Woozle, Scrubby, and Rowdy the Rotten.  But we know we'll meet again, for
Spirit does not die.
We also have much for which to be thankful, besides the wonderful
memories.  We are busy making new ones!
I have to start with Binky.  OK, he's not a fert, he's a cat.  But don't
let on, since he is sure he's a ferret.  He was the runt of our adopted
feral cat's litter, born in the fert's room, and raised by the biz.  He
has taken over for Ping, and keeps the fert's ears sparkling clean!  Poor
baby, he's finally getting too big to play in the tunnels!  But he still
perches on my shoulder every night, reading the FML with me.
Next, please welcome Frosty, or as we call her, Fiesty!  She was a
temporary foster...but we were never any good at fostering, lol.  Daddy
just couldn't bear to send her back- he adores the snuggly kissy old
ladies.  I've never heard such a vocal ferret before, she talks more
than a teenage girl with her own phone line!  The scrawny little DEW is
dooking right now, while she chases the cats out of their basket, and
claims it for her own nap time, heeheehee.
We also had a very special Thanksgiving.  We went to pick up a new
rescue, not knowing anything except that it was a girl.  We were
expecting the usual straggly-looking, attention-starved old lady.
Boy, were we surprised!  Please welcome Nikita...an absolutely
gorgeous-fat-fluffy-sassy-sweet-snuggly young albino darling!  She sleeps
curled around my toes (oh, I just LUV that!) and though she was alone for
several years, she is adjusting well to our biz of 6, uh...7!  She uses
the litter box.  She's perfect on a leash.  She loves to be held.  She's
mine, mine, MINE, forever and ever.  And I am hers.
Only one problem, and we're working on that.  I can hardly wait to see
her dance.
Happy Holidays everyone.  Remember to be thankful always.  Even when
times are hard, we still have so much.  Just ask your ferrets.
Julie & the Woozles
21st Century Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 4348]