I just went to the web site that someone posted where they said that in
CA. you can get in hot water for catching or trapping mice.  I assume
they also mean mice or rats that get in your house.  I personally feel
that fish and game go too far at times and I think this is mostly about
making money for them.  But on a personal note..when it comes to animals
I feel that we should definitely be compassionate towards them.  I
believe that any animal, large or small, should be treated humanely.
If I can catch a mouse in a trap without hurting it I would much rather
do that than to kill the poor little thing.
Here in CA.  we have a lot of wild skunks that run around and like to
spray cars in the parking lot.  If one got in to my home I wouldn't even
consider hurting it though.  I would probably run to another room, close
the door and call someone knowledgable and caring who deals with skunks
to come and pick it up and release it back outside.  lol  Being someone
who has rodents as well as cats, I could never kill a little mouse.  To
me a rat or mouse is just as cute as a ferret or any other animal.  They
do actually make mouse and rat traps that don't hurt the animals.  They
have a little door and latch on them.  When the mouse runs inside to get
the food the door closes.  Then you can release them outside.  I would
hope people would try this first before opting to poisen them or putting
out those traps that snap on their poor little heads.
[Posted in FML issue 4348]