Hello everyone,
My husband signed me up for this e-group, which I have enjoyed reading
while convalescing from surgery.  Now it is my turn to write a short
story about how we began being owned by five wonderful ferts.
First one (Rascal-true to his name) came to our home so we could find
him a home, previous owner deceased and her father was going to kill
Rascal (no way dude!).  Needless to say that within one hour of being
in my husband's presence Rascal had adopted a new dad.
Not to be outdone by these two I happened upon a cute lonely baby at a
pet store. (please no hate mail from those who dislike pet stores).  I
had been convalescing, from a hospital stay plus seeing it was our
anniversary my husband insisted that we bring him home.  I didn't put
up much of a fight.;)  He was going to be my boy.:)
Then, after much education, we decided to adopt *one* from a rescue.  We
met a very sweet rescue mom at a show.  We got her number and we gave
her a call.  Problem was she had just got a bonded *pair* of boys in and
would not separate them.  We said we would just come to look at them,
needless to say one week later they came home with us.  Thus Rogue and
Ruckus joined our happy dooking home.
Last but not least is Samuel (formally know as Sarah).  Previous owners
must have thought she had an outty bellybutton.;)  I happened upon an ad
in the freebies (everyone knows *nothing* is free these days).  I went
to meet Sarah and her/his temp family, why temp you say?  Because their
19 yr old son brought her home after purchasing her for twenty bucks in
front of Petco.  Needless to say the parents where not too happy;
especially after he lost interest in only a week.  Dad took over for
a short time before putting an ad in the paper.  Well, upon meeting
Sarah/Samuel, looking quite small and thin in a cage that was lined with
cedar chips, hammie in shreds (no nail clipping done in a long time), I
gladly bought the cage including ferret and made my way home with our new
BOY.  After many visits to the vet, Samuel is doing great.
We have one cat who *was* the queen until the Boys came to live with us.
Now she's a not so happy big sis, who likes to get her two cents in
whenever possible, by sneak attacking any/all of the boys.  I'll have to
admit, if it weren't for our business of ferts I probably wouldn't get
out of bed most days.  They all have been a God-send to me.  My husband
and I would never have dreamed of becoming fert parents.  I believe God
must have sent them to us; we laugh more, play more, and love more than
ever.  We have become the ferret nuts in our circle of friends and
couldn't be prouder!  When someone calls us *weezil crazy* it's OK, cuz
that's what we are.:)
I am signing off now cuz it's play time once again.  Yippee, my favorite
times of the day.
Blessings to all.
[Posted in FML issue 4348]