Hi BIG et al!  I've returned to the world of the ferret lists.  This is
the list that I first learned about adrenal tumors from over 6 years ago,
but I came back to monitor other postings to see if I can return the
favor and help someone else.  I had only my precious princess Monkey at
that time and had brought home my Tazzie (AKA little devil boy).  Never
knew that ECE even existed, let alone that Taz was infected and passed
it on to Monkey who was just under a year at that time.  I was fortunate
enough to have you guys to turn to, include Bob Church, and several
others of whom I am truly sorry but cannot remember your names.  I keep
thinking a woman named Pam Green (?) was of great help too.  She was real
popular on the list then, and still is too.  I was able to save my Monkey
from ECE !!!  Now I have to grieve her being taken by adrenal tumors on
both kidneys.  I cannot fathom life without her!  Now all I see are her
eyes just looking to me to help her and save her and knowing that there
was nothing I could do.  It's been just over 3 weeks and I still cry for
her.  She was my friend and companion for almost 7 years.
How do the rest of you do it?  Especially those who run the rescues and
have houses full of these sick and dying ferrets?  They all are so very
precious with them all having their very own special personalities?  I'd
love to have a houseful, but don't think I could go through loosing so
many.  I have three more, one of which has both an adrenal tumor and an
insulinoma.  I dread the day something happens to my Taz-man.  I want
to (and I know I will) get more Fuzzies and know that it will be an
adventure and their passing is part of that.  If only they weren't so
damn cute and almost human-like!  Or at least mine are ... they sleep
with their heads on the pillows and their bodies under the covers up
to just under their front arm and have their arms laying on top of the
covers.  Too cute!
I'm sorry to ramble, I just wanted to share a little and find a little
support from others who understand what being owned by a furt is really
all about, cuz my human counterparts just don't understand the
Thank you ...
Jo & The Fuzzie Carpet Cruisers
Monkey (who is now running on the rainbow bridge), Taz (no she's not
mommy she's sitting on your shoulder like she always does with her tail
wrapped around your nose), Lil' Bear (na uh I'm wrapped around her to
keep her warm like I always do) & Peanut (I only just met her but I swore
she was under bear just now squeeking for him to get his big but off her)
[Posted in FML issue 4348]