With a heart broken into as many pieces as the tears that now fall so
freely from my eyes, I regret to announce that Bubbles, alpha male to
the Furkid 3, First ferret extraordinary crossed the Rainbow Bridge at
02.25 GMT this morning in his daddies arms after a short and as yet
undiagnosed Illness, having lived not quite half of his expected life
He leaves his broken hearted family to Join Cussieangelweezil in a better
place than this earth, leaving a dark void in my heart that can never
quite be filled.  He leaves behind two slightly confused girls Skweek and
Rhoobarb along with 2 broken hearted humans..  and an assortment of cats.
Sandee, it would mean a lot to me if you can tell him I am so so so
sorry I couldnt make him well, and hook him up with his old playmate
Cussie(angel)weezil, as here they were one of the "pair of pairs" we had,
now they will be reunited safe from pain and illness.  He loves roast
chicken, I will never again see him hopity skipping around his morning
"chukkie platter", and of course he loves ferotone raisins and kitbits,
yeah cat treats... if you have any plastic bags, balls with rattles in
or jingle toys he loves those, you may also want to hook him up with the
rainbow bridge chapter of the Kouri club his membership card is in a
frame on my wall
Bubbles came here to a novice daddy, and immediately set about stealing
the hearts of all around him, 99.9% litterbox accurate, his wardance
was a sight to behold along with the shaking head that just expressed
the pure joy of being a ferret, my wardancing weezil was too much of
a mouthful so he became "da warweezil", and, as he liked me to "play
ferret" with him, I soon found myself using his nickname for my e-mail
addy, a practice which will continue as a memorial to the most
fascinating pet I ever encountered.  he was gentle with ever other
creature he met, curious as any good ferret should be, and most people
could see there was definately "something" between us.  knowing Bubbles
led me to rescue Skweek, Rhoobarb & Custard from appalling conditions
(the poor mites didnt even have names) Cussie left us last year while
undergoing surgery, I still shed a few tears whenever I think of her, and
right now I am fighting back the flood, I cant sleep yet, and I need to
do this while it is all fresh in my mind, he left us just one hour ago.
Unkie Lee, his other hooman is only here now because of Bubbles, hed
never met a ferret before, so Da Warweezil worked his charms and pretty
soon Unkie Lee moved in here, such was the charm of this big guy
I am still unsure what or how, Wednesday, I did the routine nail and ear
session, which gives me time to look them over at close quarters while
they indulge thier addiction to ferotone, nothing amiss, Thursday night
he was fine, wardancing with the girls and trying to hog the treats, but
then all 3 do, or should I say did.  Friday afternoon I noticed he was
"projectile vomiting" we went directly to the vet where I discovered
that the guy who had been learning ferrets has left, and been replaced
by a vet whose entire knowledge seems to be "yes thats a ferret".  She
suspected gastritis and gave him sub-q fluids and antibiotics, but
Saturday Morning I found tarry stools in his litter tray and when I gave
him his dose of antibiotic he immediatly vomited several bright green
streams, so we headed for the vet again.
I saw a different one this time, he thought that possibly it could be
gastric ulcers, gave him fluids to the abdomen and a vitmain shot and a
shot to help stop the vomiting, and some electrolytic fluid mix to help
replace the elements lost in vomiting.  He seemed to have acomfortable
afternoon, indeed he drank unaided used his litter tray and settled down
to sleep.  however about midnight he took a turn for the worse, was
having breathing difficulties and then I knew..  I just knew that he was
going to leave us.  I called the vet who said there was nothing he could
do, apart from tell me to keep on with support care and see if he got
through the night, well at 2.25 he had a siezure of some kind and stopped
breathing.  Thats when the tears started, I dont know when they might
I dont think I will ever again have such a big handsome guy as my
Warweezil, and I am eternally thankful to Ulrike for pairing us up.  I
am also deeply sorry for any failings in my stewewardship that caused
Bubbles to leave us at such a young age, I am already having an attack of
the "coulda woulda shoulda's", and I think that my ferret vetinary needs
are going to have some review, as tonight I felt that Bubbles just didnt
matter enough to the vet, and if thats the case, I would sooner know that
the local number is not worth calling, things seem to have changed there
in recent months, and its a change for the worse.
Im rambling, it hurts so much, and I feel as if its my fault.  He will
be cremated and his ashes will come home, Id just like to say that its
unlikely I will be answering any mails for a few days or so, this hurts
too much Ive hogged enough bandwidth..  sorry for rambling... Warweezil..
I will see you again one day, with lil Cussieweezil, thank you for beng
as wonderful as you were
Our thoughts to those with sick or angelled heart thieves
Cris Page Unkie Lee
Skweek & Roobarb
Remembering Bubbles (Da Warweezil) & Cussie(angel)weezil
Now frolicing pain free at the rainbow bridge
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[Posted in FML issue 4354]