For those of you that might remember Oscar Ferret, "The best ferret in
the world", with a very heavy heart it sadden me to let you know that I
helped him cross the bridge Friday morning.  I sat up with him most of
Christmas night, and met my vet @ seven Friday morning.  Oscar was seven
years old in May, and was the first of my many ferrets.  Oscar was the
best ferret, having thirteen at home I know the difference!  Oscar is
the reason my heart and my home are open to so many ferrets.  Oscar had
adrenal surgery October of 2002, lost his eye sight, grew all of his
beautiful hair back, but in August he was diagnosed with insulinoma.
Oscar has been on Pred since then.  I will miss him each day of the rest
of my life, but will always be grateful for the love he showed me and
what he has taught me about what I am capable of.
Sandee if you can please keep an eye out for Oscar.  I kissed him good
bye and ask him to look for Lilly, Bailey, Elle, Jack and Duckie, so
please show him the way to his old buddies.
Thank you,
Carol Voivedich
Missing Oscar, Lilly, Duckie, Bailey, Elle and Jack (This list is
getting longer and sadder each time I type it)
Ferrets Big Jill, Lil Jill, Stewart, Pacey, Newman, Loki, Lexi, Marley,
Farrah, Dinks, Sherman, Logan and Spencer
Cat Menew
Dogs Jasmine, Chester and Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 4377]