This is kinda off topic so will keep it short:
Hello everyone... first, let me say thank you for everyone who sent her
cards... some even included letters or pictures...She loves them all and
wanted to say thank you...once she is better she is going to put them in
her scrap book....she just kept laughing cause she didn't know I had that
many friends that cared :-) lol.... she sure doesn't know ferret people!
Now... her update.... We thought we were making progress.  They had
dropped her anti-rejection meds down to almost nothing and she was
feeling better.  No more accidents on the way to the bathroom.  She was
going out to the living room to sit for a couple hours and even sitting
at the table for dinner!
Well they had to increase her meds again (new heart and don't need it
rejecting either).  That made her sick once more.  She is now bed ridden
again.  She still eats and is still seeing a physical therapist as well
as her other doctors.
Still have no clue what is wrong.  With the holidays coming up she is
getting mad at the doctors for not "fixing it".  My mom loves the
holidays.  The house is always decorated, tree stuff with presents.
She loves to shop for all the family....she normally has most gifts
bought by now (she starts in June!).
Anyways, keep her in your thoughts if you wouldn't mind.
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
There's a pot of Ferret Love at the end of the Rainbow
[Posted in FML issue 4337]