Hi folks,
This is totally off topic and most of you have probably heard about
this already, or at least something like this, but this is a slightly
new spin.
Today I received a message purporting to be from Paypal, stating my
account would expire within 5 business days.  (I happen to have one
account with two different email addresses and only received this at my
secondary address, so knew it was not real, but others might not be so
lucky.) This email came with an attached executable file, and in the
email you are instructed to run the file and follow related instructions
to verify your membership.  It also states that you should not send any
information over the internet, and notes that it will not ask you for
your password.  This makes it sound more realistic after recent identity
theft emails, etc.  However, the attachment is a virus.  Do not download,
open or run this attachment.  The email comes from
"[log in to unmask]" and looks very legit.  I know a lot of people on
this list use Paypal for shelter donations and auctions, etc., and wanted
to warn you all before someone gets tricked into infecting their system!
Melissa Rotert
[Posted in FML issue 4342]