Hi Sandee,
Friday, a little guy met u at the Bridge, he probably ran by so fast
looking like a silver streak without leaving his name.  It's Sterling...
Sterling was battling a road that was hard while here on earth.  Could u
please look in your lost and found area and guide him to the Benita Gang?
You may have to PA him like they do for lost children in Walmart.  He was
such a sweetie.  But, a couple of days when I figured he was too weak to
do anything.  I would go to the kitchen usually to get his food and go
back to the couch and he would be gone... He has that lost tendency issue
going on.  Even though he entered my home for a couple of days.  He is
still missed.  He had a cute little furry face... Reminded me of a little
polar bear face.  We had a hard night Thursday night.  And, he got to see
Friday morning.  I wished things had turned out differently.  I would
have loved to see his full personality.
Mommie sends her hugs and kisses for all the Gang... I have a couple of
short messages for everyone.  For the boys Perry, Fang, Dempsy, Kineman,
Benni, Snowy, and Percy.  U all behave yourselves and take care of the
girls.  I know the girls can get on your nerves, but they are your
sisters.  For the girls Bubbles, Munchin, Ms. Furbie SASE, Moxie u be
nice and drive the boys crazy.  Heck that what they are there for.
Mommie misses each and every one of u.  Also, spend time with your
brothers and sisters that u met at the shelter Juliana would love for
u all to play together.
Bye for now. Mommie is a little long winded or typed.
[Posted in FML issue 4320]