Hi, all.
As you know, every year we ferrets are becoming an increasingly popular
choice as friends and companions to you hoomins.  We're taking over!
The net result of this , of course, is that there is more work for ME.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love my job.  It's not just that there are
more Bridge crossings.  It's that my job is changing.
As we become more popular, there is an increasingly complicated web of
relationships between us,the ferrets, and your other friends and
companions, like dogs, cats, hamsters, iguanas, rats, etc.
You hoomins are complicatd, too!  Some of you only write to me to ask
about recent Bridge crossings, but you might hesitate to ask me about
what's going on with one of your friends who crossed a month, or a year
ago.  That's still important!
Some of you have a very close personal relationship with the Big Boss.
Some of you like to keep that part of your lives more private, it's not
something you want to discuss on the FML.
We here in the Afterworld want you to know that we are flexible!
(Although I am NEVER, EVER making a trip into the Giant Madagascar
Hissing Cockroach Afterworld again.  Nope.  I don't care if the Big Boss
busts me down to cleaning the Fruit Bar every night.  I am NOT going.)
In order to help us help you keep the love alive, the Big Boss has hired
a consultant.  Her name is SaraFerret.  Here is her e-mail:
<[log in to unmask]>.    ( mailto:[log in to unmask] )
Let me tell you about her.  She is ooooone tough weasel woman!  Her halo
sits sort of crooked because her head is well, kind of crooked.  She was
born that way, but she never let that slow her down.  NOTHING slows her
down.  Her wings are kind of creased and ruffled because she sleeps in
them.  She doesn't have time to mess around with them every time she
slips into her hammie.  The first time I met her, she bit me.  To be
honest, the second time I met her, she bit me, too!
Regardless, she has a superb rapport with the Big Boss.  If that's
something you really want to explore in relationship to the crossing of
your friend, SaraFerret is for you.
If you are ever feeling the least bit hesitant to write to me about
checking up on a friend of yours who crossed some time ago, SaraFerret
will be there for you.
If you ever feel a little shy about, say, asking me to check up on your
rabbit, because this is a ferret group, please don't forget that you can
always call on SaraFerret!  (Remember though, what I said about the giant
roaches.  PLEASE call SaraFerret!)
Please don't misunderstand, hoomins.  My job description hasn't changed.
I'm going to keep on doing the things I've been doing for years.  I'm not
telling you that the rules have changed.  I just want you to understand
that you have another resource at your disposal.
If you can't remember the SaraFerret e-mail, just write to me, and I will
send your message on.
We aim to please, we really, really want to hear from you!
[Posted in FML issue 4339]