I am sorry, but I work for PETCO (in Florida) and not all of them are
like the ones that you visited...I happen to be a ferret specialist, and
ours aren't kept like that...
I am sorry that the PETCO near you is like that, but not all PETCO'S
are... There are 3 of us who take pride and joy in the ferrets at our
store...They are the best kept, very healthy and the happiest ferrets...
They all get individual play time several times a day...
My suggestion would be to call the corporate office and complain...You
can call any PETCO and they have to give you the corporate number...
Please do not think that all PETCO's are like the one in your area,
because they aren't...
Kym & The 12 Feisty Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 4333]