Hi Folks
I am writing to ask for prayers for my Smokey.  I lost his brother and
cage mate Bandit 9 days ago.  They have been a bonded pair since I
rescued them 5 years ago.  I have never been able to put them with any
other ferrets since the day they came to live with me.
On Monday Smokey was out playing and seemed normal.  I know that he has
lost a little weight over the last little while, but his appetite seemed
to be good and he was still hiding toys and playing during his out time.
Monday he was trying to make me share my bowl of soup with him.  I have
been giving him some duck soup lately to try and get him to put on a
little weight.  Anyway, on Monday he seemed to be himself.
I didn't see him on Tuesday because before he got his turn to get out of
his cage, I had a really bad dizzy spell and had to go to bed.  I have
been on several medications to keep my blood pressure down and every now
and then it makes me really dizzy and I have to go to bed and "sleep it
off".  I was so bad that night, I went to bed and left the TV and all of
the lights on and I left the previous cage of ferrets out all night.  I'm
sure they thought the had won the lottery or something.
Last night when I let Smokey out he could hardly walk.  On closer
examination he was covered from the waist down in dark loose stool and
his tummy, under his tail and in between his back legs, were very
reddened and sore looking.....almost like a diaper rash.  I bathed him
and forced some water and duck soup.  He seemed to perk up a little after
the soup & water.  I made him warm and comfortable and put him to bed.
Today I drove in a bad snow storm for 2 hours to get him to the vet and I
have been home and waiting to hear from the vet.  She was in surgery, so
I had to leave him there until she could see him.  Waiting for her call
is killing me.  Between the tears, I have been feeling so incredibly
guilty.  Did he really get so sick so quickly or did I miss something
that I should have picked up on earlier?
I am asking for your prayers and good thoughts.  I can't bear to lose
another one so soon.
Thanks to all for your support.
Missing 10 "Little Angels" @ the Bridge
Sally St. Germain and her 10"Little Saints"
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4331]