Hello, I need some help, I am owned by 5 ferrets and I never had this
problem before a little female was given to me in july 03, the people I
got her from didn't know much about her, but was told from the lady they
got her from that she was 13 months old.  I had her for a day and I
realized that she had a discharge coming out of her private part, so I
called my vet and brought her in the next day, they were kind of stunned
on what it was, they put her on amoxicillan, but it didn't help at all,
so they gave her batril, it helped alittle so they were coming to the
conclusion maybe she was a parcial spay, they took cultures and even an
xray, but everything seemed fine, finally they suggested that they do
an exploratory surgery to see whats going on, so I agreed thinking that
I was helping her they took a piece from the ovarian stump, so they could
send it too their lab, her surgery was in the afternoon, she was fine
that day and that night, but I woke up at 8 am and I found my poor Suzie
Q gone
I was up with her untill 3 am so within 5 hrs she had died.  They did do
an autopsy and found that she had a sever hemmorage in the lymb nodes
they don't know what cause the hemmorage and the lab results came back
from the ovarin stump and there was no infection.  So does anyone know
what could have cause this discharge?Or the hemmorage?  I had the surgery
to try and help her, but instead she lost her life I had her for 2 1/2
months, but it seemed like a life time, she was a sweet little girl that
touched my life in lot of ways and I miss her more then words can say and
not knowing what was going on with her makes it hard to go on without
her, when she died I took a week off of work and cried the whole time,
I miss her sooooo much, can anyone help me find some answers so I can
finally have peace of mind, it's only been 2 months sence she left, but I
am still trying to find some answers anyone out there have any idea's
please e-mail me directly at [log in to unmask], Thank you, to my Suzie
Q I hope that you have found some friends there I know everyone will like
you, please know that mommy loves you and your in my heart everyday
forever and always, I love you.
[Posted in FML issue 4329]