Boy were we surprised on Thursday evening.  The UPS truck drove up and
delivered a package to the Shelter.  I looked at Barry and asked, "What
did you order?" he answered, "I didn't order anything.  I thought you
had."  Well, to our surprise it was a box full of goodies for the shelter
ferrets!  The ferrets, Barry and I wish to thank the unknown person from
St. Nazianz, WI for such a generous gift!  The ferrets that were out
playing had a great time exploring all the goodies and Kasey took off
with the Christmas Stocking:-)  If that's not a subtle hint, I certainly
don't know what is!  He's such a goofball.
It's surprises like this one that help us keep doing what we do!  It
restores our faith in mankind!  This person didn't need a pat on the
back, she/he just wanted to give to the shelter ferrets, and for that
I wish to send a very grateful thank you to whomever you are!  All the
Shelter kids send their warmest and wettest kisses!
Ferret hugs,
Kathy Fritz, Executive Director
The Ferret Nook, Inc. Ferret Shelter
Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-3315
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[Posted in FML issue 4328]