Ahhh ferret math.
Background: I have five ferrets ages ranging from 3 to 7 1/2.  My ferret
kids backgrounds vary first two from pet shops, a couple from shelters
and a couple from a breeder (obviously I've had more than 5).  There is
also a lesson here for folks getting divorced etc who think just because
their world is upside down, they don't necessarily have to make it worse
on themselves by giving up their pets.  Anyway, I was divorced about two
years ago and found an apartment that would let me have my "caged ferret"
hehehe.  Anyway me and my 7 ferrets at the time moved in.  All was
wonderful but of course vet bills with aging ferrets, rent increase,
income decrease etc, not to mention the damage my "caged ferret" did to
the apartment (did you know that a ferret can pull all the insulation out
of a brand new stove in less than an hour?)  I ended up moving in with
my mother...this could lead to a whole other set of stories for you...
38 years old, moving into my mother's two bedroom townhouse with white
carpeting, semi handicapped mother who likes animals BUT loves her
townhouse.  Funny to see me every morning putting all plants including
large trees up on the dining room table, picking up all shoes, rubbish
buckets whatever so the ferrets can come play.  My poor, wonderful mom
adapted by duct taping the carpeting around the doors that Gus would dig
at and duct taped her couch as well.  God bless her, she even attempt to
ferret proof her orange tree...what a sweet attempt...but we all know...
nonferret folks just don't get the detail involved in ferret proofing.
Enter Kevin.  Started seeing a great guy about a year and a half ago,
total neat freak.  Well, I used to neurotically clean my apartment and
deodorize before he came over.  Well he adapted but never quite saw the
charm that I see in the ferrets.  and yes, he thinks they smell and are
destructive etc...but tough noogies to him, love me, love my strange
fascination!  Anyway we are closing on a house next week, with a gorgeous
finished basement where there is a large ferret room something like 14x14
and a large family room where I can still lounge with the weasels.
Here's the bad, bad thing:
Anyway Sunday on a break from helping Kevin move things into storage I
stopped at the mall to buy a belt.  As I always do, I stopped at the pet
store (yes this is actually a really good one) to see the ferrets.  They
see me there often enough that they don't have a problem with me reaching
and picking up the ferrets.  But for some reason, Sunday I asked
permission (I just don't get that, what was different?) there was a
really cute sable mitt just laying there looking up.  I picked him up and
that was it.  I didn't even look at the others, this little guy just
cuddled in my arms while I scratched his neck.  I just couldn't put him
down...so needless to say I came home without a belt, but with another
ferret.  Sooo, I apologize to the shelters and myself for being a
hypocrite but I had to have him...I admit, I bought a petstore ferret.
Also, never planned on telling Kevin...he's a bright boy we'll see if he
can figure this out on his one.  Last night (still Sunday) he sees a
ferret run by, then up his leg, sniff his nose all that ferret stuff.
I held my breath...nothing.  Okay, well some folks think they all look
the same DUH!  Then after about an hour he says "SusieQ looks darker."  I
didn't say anything.  Then he's watching Dweasel (the new boy) and here
bounces SusieQ.  So he looks puzzled and said "Oh, that must be Tequila.
No, Tequila is white.  Who is that?"  Hehehe...he has no clue what he's
in for!  Wish me (or more likely Kevin) luck.
Sorry for the ramble
Amy Robbin
Manager, Human Resources
SeaChange International, Inc.
Phone:  (978) 897-0100
[Posted in FML issue 4328]