Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled bag baggers...
(OK, we'll take this bag and put it in this bag...then this bag goes in
this bag, then all these bags go in that bag...)
Don't ya just hate organized ferrets???
Janice White mumbled something about:
>I have a question regarding the different brands of items
For food, I use Iams Original Formula.
For vitamin paste, I use 8-in-1 (Marshall's is a very thick gel that's
almost impossible to get out of the tube!  Ferretone is also from 8-in-1:
They like the taste and I love the smell
Ear Cleaner: Marshall's...don't really know why.
Snax: Bandit's Ferret Treats, Sheppard & Greene's peanut butter tabs and
some new chicken jerky treats (forget the name...ferrets probably stole
it!) Using fruits, veggies and grain-based products (like cereal) should
be severely limited, as ferrets are carnivores (they don't *know* this,
however) and don't really have the internal equipment to process
vegetable-based products.  I use Bandits and other than a slight
yellowing of their fur, I've seen no bad side-effects (unless they steal
the box and eat it all--then the get the 'runs').  Been doing this for
six years now.  I also provide the occasional yogurt-covered raisin and
they swipe a macaroni from my plate from time to time.  Dancer will chew
the dickens out of a cooked carrot slice, too, but won't actually eat
the thing.
Thems my two cents!
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[Posted in FML issue 4326]