I guess my cat has been hanging around the ferrets a bit too long... She
was sort of raised with them from a kitten, though they rarely interact,
for the fur kids are a bit rough on her.  Two of the wonderful weasels
have the organizational trait - Stashing their toys in particular places
and getting mad if you move them.  Little Miss, the cat, stole some of
the ferrets's new cotton balls and we could not find them.  Then we
looked in the corner next to one of the ferret cages (the one by the
hall) and found the missing toys all together right there!  No, the
ferrets didn't put them there on their last playtime; I know because
I cleaned up a potty accident right there after I put them away.  How
interesting!  Has anyone else's non-ferret animals adopted ferret traits?
Little Miss is a year and a half old and has never done this before!
Lori and Rat's Brats
[Posted in FML issue 4325]