Hi, all.
I met a little girl named Sam at the Bridge.  I wasn't alone, her
Business of Quasi and Maya were with me.  It was only such a short while
ago that I greeted those two!  Their Mommy Julie must be so sad.  All
three of them are worried about their Mommy.  They send lots and lots of
soft little hugs and wet-snout kisses!
All three friends spent a while catching up on the news and getting some
help with the big picture from me, then they went off exploring.  Their
first stop was the Obstacle Course of Tall Bookcases.  Quasi and Maya had
to help Sam strap on her new wings, but she got the hang of them fairly
quickly.  I strapped on mine, too.
Then it was time to find a good Bookcase and climb up it to the very top.
(Some prefer to fly, but climbing is sooooo much fun!) Then once you are
at the top, you just step off, and glide.  Once you get in some practice,
it's very easy to fly in and between the Bookcases as fast as you want to
go.  On top of some of them, there are glasses of fruit punch.  Great to
drink when you are hot and thirsty from flying hard, or to knock over as
you fly past.  The whole ground there is white shag carpet that cleans
itself as if by magic over night.  It's *awesome*!  Sam had a bast!
I also greeted Tarot, along with her Business of Tinker and Phoebe.  The
three met on our side of the Bridge with all manner of wardancing and
dooking.  I can't pass up a good wardance opportunity, I did some pretty
fancy hopping and popping myself.
Tarot has a special message for her Mommy and Daddy.  She wants to
apologize for all of those nips over the years, she just couldn't help
herself.  Sometimes that's just what a ferret has to do, she can't
explain it any better than that.  It means so much to her that you
always loved her anyway.  Tinker and Phoebe send their love, too.
All four of us went over to the Bottomless Pit of Socks and had a dig.
There was lots of tunneling and bouncing and tug-of-war.  Tinker and
Phoebe pinned Tarot down and tried to get a sock over her head like a
hood, but she wiggled away.  Her friends were laughing too hard to work
as a team, anyway.  Finally, it was time for me to get back to work and
I had to go.  When I left them, they were still at it!
[Posted in FML issue 4318]