I haven't had my 2 fuzzies for very long, so I'm still in the process of
ferret proofing as they find more ways to get into trouble.  As one of my
guys (MunoJerrie) started to go someplace he shouldn't go, I picked him
up, scruffed him, told him no, and put him back down.  Once the 4 feet
were on the floor, he yelled back at me, jumped sideways, and took off.
It was hilarious.
Then, I was at the sink, washing bowls, bottles, etc., when I felt
something on my leg.  I looked down and it was RumpleTeazer.  I just
thought he was bouncing around, so I went back to cleaning.  A few
seconds later, I heard some dooking.  He was standing straigt up,
wanting a treat!  I'd only worked on this trick a couple of times
before.  Of course, I had to dry my hands, pick him up, love on him,
and give him a Cheerio.
[Posted in FML issue 4325]