There's more to the story of Gus, Bill's ferret who was lost and found in
Massachusetts in mid-September.  This all happened right before I left
for vacation, and this is the first chance I've had to sit down and write
up the story.  (Bill posted about Gus soon after it happened.)
Gus was lost when he decided to go exploring, and left a van traveling
from Framingham to Acton.  When he reached Acton and discovered Gus was
missing, Bill put up fliers along the entire route (about 15 miles), as
well as alerting the animal control officers in each town he had passed
Someone spotted an unfamiliar animal in their garage one night.  When
they looked it up on the internet, they saw that it was a ferret.
Fortunately, this person had also seen one of Bill's fliers, and she
called Bill.  So, now that Bill knew the area where Gus was, he set up a
cage with food etc.  in the person's garage.  Bill also went out looking
for Gus every morning.  Amazingly, the town Gus was lost in has a law
against putting up fliers, so Bill had to take his fliers down soon after
the person called!
The area where Gus was lost was heavily wooded.  Although there were
plenty of places for Gus to hide, there were also plenty of predators.
I also went searching with Bill one day and we looked EVERYWHERE.  Bill
called and called and used a squeaky toy, but no luck.  It wasn't looking
Gus had been lost several days.  At this point, I called Kim Fox (I
had talked with Kim before and thought she was a very good animal
communicator).  Kim talked with Gus, who said he was confused and getting
tired.  Though he knew Bill was looking for him, Gus had not heard Bill
calling or the squeaky toy.  This meant that Gus was no longer where he
had first been spotted, which was discouraging.
I told Kim that at this point, Gus' only hope was to find a person who
would help him.  So Kim asked Gus to go to where there were "lights that
didn't move"--a house (not moving lights, which would be a car; it was at
night).  Just as important, Kim asked her angels to guide Gus to a person
who would help him.
Early the next morning as I was leaving for vacation, I got a call from
Bill who had just picked up Gus!  Gus had gone to someone's house the
night I had talked to Kim, and the person had called the police to report
a found ferret.  Since Bill had given his name to the animal control
officer in the town, this story had a happy ending!
A number of things fell into place to reunite Bill with Gus, and I think
all of them are very important when trying to find a lost ferret:
Bill put up fliers EVERYWHERE along his route, as well as leaving his
name and number with the animal control officers.  He also went door to
door and left fliers at people's houses and talked with people once he
knew where Gus was (Gus was found about 1/2 mile from where he was
originally spotted).
I always recommend talking with a communicator when an animal is lost.
When I talked with Kim, she gave Gus very specific instructions and she
also asked that he be guided to someone who would help him.
Everything fell into place, even though Gus was lost almost a week.  Gus
is one lucky ferret!
So, that's the rest of the story.  Many thanks to Kim for the very
important role she played in reuniting Gus with Bill!
Ronnie DiComo
[Posted in FML issue 4324]