ANON BI posted on the FML 10/2 listserv
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sadness
>I am posting anonymously this morning because I'm being selfish.
>The vet even remarked on what a handsome and healthy 3 year old boy he
>The doctor was unable to ascertain where it had begun.  In her 10 years
>of practice she had never seen anything this fast growing or aggressive
>in a ferret.  I didn't biopsy (I know I really should have).
>I want to be able to buy presents for all 11 on Christmas!!!!
Selfish?  Hmm.  The necropsy (animal autopsy) report would/may/could help
your 11 ferrets survive (or an FMLer's) the same illness your 3 yr old
[Posted in FML issue 4289]