I am REALLY behind on FMLs, but I skimmed a few location posts, and I
fully agree with the fokks who are against having a set location.  I
think this would seriously limit who could go-I personally have not gone
yet b/c I haven't been able to afford to fly out to Vegas or Georgia to
make these events.  If the location changes, it gives everyone interested
more of an opportunity-maybe the next one will be in New England, for
example (I hope!) and those of us MANY New England FMLers can finally
make it-I know some did, but I'll bet there are far more that just
couldn't go.
Please consider rotating locations every year, and please consider New
England (Boston, Newport RI, or near New Haven or Hartford, CT are my
votes!) next year!  I would be more able to help, and y'all could hear
my band!
[Posted in FML issue 4307]