>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Raining Ferrets.
>Steve and Cheryl
>You are overloaded at the shelter, why not remove this "drop off cage"
>from outside and replace it with a sign that says FULL to capacity.
You know, I really agreed with this poster a lot, and wish this message
had NOT been posted anonymously.  I think this person made some excellent
points, but the anonymous posting made it look as if the information
might not be truthful, or as if the poster has something to hide. :-<
Also, it looks as though this poster has some really good ideas for
helping to solve this situation ..  so it would be nice to talk to
him/her about those ideas.  Since the person wasn't straightforward
enough to attach his/her name, though, we can't get a dialogue going. :-<
There is a dialogue (or has been) one going about this on the list
[log in to unmask], though, so I just hope the person is on
that list, so they can discuss it there ..  hopefully, with their name
attached!  The Resnicks are still on that list (I think), which makes it
a convenient way to try to do some planning and discussing.  Also, as the
poster mentioned, SOS has offered to help out the Resnicks, and would
still like to do so.
I definitely agree (as an individual, not necessarily on behalf of SOS)
that it would be a good thing if the Resnicks could keep the number of
ferrets in their shelter the same, or lower the number ..  by adopting
out, stopping intakes, or both.
Also, I think it is critical that we get the ferrets in the shelter
vaccinated, as they are all currently unvaccinated, from what Steve
Resnick has told me.  SOS can help with the vaccine and vet costs on
this.  Under NJ law, it would not be a good idea for volunteers to help
vaccinate the ferrets.  However, hopefully, Mr. Resnick, SOS and the
shelter vet can figure out a way to make this as economical as possible
and get it done.
There are other issues here that I think really need to be discussed ..
including the "drop off" cages, the continued existence of the shelter,
volunteers for the shelter, ADV testing, etc.  I'd love it if we could
get a constructive dialogue going on about this, preferably a friendly
dialogue which would include the Resnicks.
That's all I can think of right now.  If anyone does have any ideas, or
would like to help with this (either in person, or by discussing the
topic), it would be great if they could join the Northeast Ferrets list
and help out!  I think this situation is definitely solvable (or at
least, can be managed and hopefully improved).  And it seems to me the
best way to find those solutions is to get input, discuss the options,
and try to implement them. :->
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 4307]